Power Tools for Unix
A guide to useful linux commands that I have learnt over my years of scavenging through log files, trying to debug stuff. This is by no means exhaustive or a complete list. These are just some notes to my future self.
cut -d '<DELIMITER>' -f '<field1>,<field2>..' [FILE]
- Each line in the input/FILE is split by delimiter and treated as a 1-indexed array.
- Fields is a comma separated list of indices.
- Order of Fields doesn’t matter. The output is always in order they appear in the input.
find [ROOT_DIR] -type [-f, -d] -name "REGEX PATTERN"
- Simple search for a keyword in a DIR recursively (-r), ignoring the case (-i) and print the line number(-n)
grep -nri "PATTERN" dir
- Print lines in a file that do no match a “PATTERN”, ignoring case(-i)
grep -vni "PATTERN" file
- Either or in grep
grep -E "(PATTERN A | PATTERN B)" file
- Use a perl regex -P
- Interpret patterns as fixed strings -F
- Count -c, only matching -o
Search for a list of keywords, saved in a file called keywords.txt.
cat keywords.txt | xargs -I '{}' grep '{}' file.txt
- -I [PATTERN] can be anything. ‘{}’ is just a convention
Replace a string in-place in a file
Guides for reference
https://www-users.york.ac.uk/~mijp1/teaching/2nd_year_Comp_Lab/guides/grep_awk_sed.pdf https://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/unix/sedawk/
Written on April 10, 2021