SQL Joins

The JOIN operator tells how to combine different tables in SQL. It’s a simple and yet powerful concept that requires some time to get used to. Most explanations online describe SQL joins as Venn diagrams, like here, but I find these confusing for so many reasons. SQL has its own versions of set operations (UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT). These operations are closer to the Venn diagrams than JOIN.

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Power Tools for Unix

A guide to useful linux commands that I have learnt over my years of scavenging through log files, trying to debug stuff. This is by no means exhaustive or a complete list. These are just some notes to my future self.

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Parameterized Tests in Kotlin

JUnit5 introduced a shiny new feature - parameterized tests. Parameterized tests allow the user to run a test multiple times with different arguments. Parameterized tests are declared with a @ParameterizedTest annotation instead of the usual @Test. They must also provide at least one source which provides the arguments for each run.

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